About AppearanceConverter Version 1.0, January 1999 This application converts an 'icns' resource into an icon suite which can be used with the Appearance Manager controls. Here is how you get the icon created with IconBuilder into the CNTL resource: 1) Create the icon with IconBuilder. When you save the file, the 'icns' resource is saved as resource -16455 (so it will display correctly in the Finder). 2) Drop the icon file onto AppearanceConvertor. The 'icns' resource will be converted to an icon suite. The resource id's will remain -16455. 3) Open the converted file with Resourcerer. Copy and paste the following resources into your application: ICN# - the 1, 4 and 8 bit icons, both large and small il32 - the large 32-bit icon is32 - the small 32-bit icon l8mk - the large 8-bit mask s8mk - the small 8-bit mask You'll need to renumber the resources from -16455 to the number used in the CNTL definition. 4) Make sure that the settings for your CNTL definition are set correctly. The pop-up menu for the control parameters should be set to "Suite ID" and the value should be set to the icon resource id. 5) When you run your application on Mac OS 8.5, the 32-bit icon resources will be used (il32, is32, l8mk and s8mk). On earlier versions of the OS, the ICN# group of resources will be used. Copyright © 1999, The Iconfactory. All rights reserved.